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The Importance of Owning a Gun Safe

If you consider yourself to be a responsible gun owner because you have a registered gun, you should know that there is a lot more involved in being a responsible gun owner? Getting your gun registered is something that is required, however, having a gun safe isn’t. Many people can see the benefit of having a gun safe but unfortunately not everyone takes it serious enough to actually purchase one to keep their guns in. If you’re not sure how you feel about it one way or the other, perhaps the following information can help. Here are some of the most convincing reasons to invest in a gun safe.

  • Safety – Safety is one of the most compelling reasons to keep your gun locked away when it isn’t being used. You should consider the possibility of someone getting hold of your gun and using it for harm. There are a lot of problems that could incur due to someone taking your gun. Now think about what would happen if a child were to get their hands on your gun. They might think it’s a toy gun and begin playing with it, setting off a series of events that will eventually point back to you.
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Some people will even have their guns on display in a cabinet and feel that this is enough to prevent someone from taking the gun. As long as your gun is visible, someone can take it. Keeping it in a glass cabinet means that it can be easily broken.

  • Protect Your Rights – Many gun activists will argue that the guns are dangerous no matter who owns them. They believe that guns are a threat to public safety and that people shouldn’t be allowed to own them. They also feel that even those who abide by the gun laws are irresponsible when it comes to gun ownership. If an incident were to occur this would be the only thing that the activist would need to hear about to prove their claims. If an incident occurs that involves a child, it will definitely catch the attention of those activists. It might even make its way to the media outlets nationally. If you want to protect your 2nd Amendment rights, you’ll have to do your part by making sure you can avoid the possibility of someone taking your gun.
  • Keeps Out of the Hands of from Children – In order to protect children, there are 27 states that now require that your guns be locked up to keep small children from getting their hands on your gun. If you do not have your guns locked up you could receive a stiff penalty if you don’t keep the gun locked up. The penalties will vary from state to state. If you are found negligent by not having your gun stored in a safe, you might even face charges. Even if you do not have children of your own, it is still in your best interest to keep your gun safely locked away. Perhaps you’ll have visitors with children and they stumble upon your gun. They may be able to get it out and cause harm to you or someone else. Guess who will be responsible if something were to happen, you got it, you. Don’t take any unnecessary chances; purchase a gun safe today. 
  • Limits Your Insurance – Your homeowners insurance may not cover a stolen gun. This means that if someone were to break into your home and steal your gun, you will not receive a payout for it. If you do, you may only receive a small settlement, not the total value of your gun. Review your policy to find out how much you stand to re-coupe if your gun is stolen.
  • Keep Away from Intruder – If your gun falls into the wrong hands and is used in a burglary or to kill someone, you could be held liable since the gun is registered to you. What often happens is that someone will steal you gun and sell it to someone who cannot legally purchase one on their own. In these cases, it is usually an ex-con who is purchasing the gun. Keeping in mind that the gun is registered in your name, you should immediately report your gun missing if you do not want to be responsible for any unlawful activity performed with your gun. If you don’t want to be held responsible for whatever happens, avoid this by keeping your gun locked away so that no one is harmed by it. 
  • Firearm Locking Device Laws – There are eleven states that require gun owners to have a locking device on their gun safe after purchasing it. This device will keep the gun locked in place unless the correct key is used to open it. California has gun safety standards that need to been met before someone can even receive approval for gun ownership. You’ll need to check your state is about gun ownership to find out if this is required where you live.
  • Insurance Discounts – Some states will offer you a discount when you have a gun safe. They are usually offered when you have a fire-rated gun safe. They reward you for protecting your investment from being stolen by someone who will do something unlawful with it. If you’re unsure as to the type of gun safe you’ll need to benefit from insurance discounts, just ask your insurer.

If you consider yourself a responsible gun owner, do you have your guns safely locked and stored away? If you answered no to this question, you should begin considering the type of safe you will purchase to store you gun away in. Call your trusted lockmith in your area today.
